Monday, 20 July 2009

A get well party for Mummy

It's only a cold. Another blooming cold.

I awoke this morning to the sounds of Barney on the landing getting a 'get well Mummy' party ready. When I made it out of bed I had to go to Rosie's bedroom where Barney had a sleeping bag and cushions on the floor, a cup of tea and some toasted wheaten bread with Marmite, and some specially invited teddy guests waiting. He had made me two of the best drawings I have ever seen! He obviously put a lot of effort into them! I nearly cried when he gave them to me. And right enough they did make me feel much better......


Loopy Loo said...

Aw, he's such a sweet child, isn't he!? :)

Anonymous said...

great pics!!

Anonymous said...

great pics!!

Laney said...

They are really lovely. Clever boy!

Laney said...

They are really lovely. Clever boy!

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