Friday, 5 February 2010

A night to remember…

DSC_0035Last weekend was Marty’s 38th birthday.  This year I decided to make it a really special one for him, since he puts so much effort into taking care of us all.  He’s always spoiling me and springing romantic surprises on me; and more often than not I’m too busy or tired to do likewise.  So this year I got organised and made his birthday a good one.

One of my sisters baby-sat the night for us.  Marty thought he was just going out for dinner, but instead I shocked him by taking him to the Hilton in Belfast for the night. We stopped for pizza on the way, and then went to see the Belfast Giants ice hockey match. 

When we arrived home in the morning wee Barney had organised a party for his Dads birthday.  I had taken him to Tesco’s to buy treats and a cake, and he organised balloons and food to be ready in time for our arrival home.

Marty had the best birthday ever! Result.  It was a hard night for Barney who had several upset moments where he phoned me and cried down the phone.  I felt bad for putting him through the pain.  Tarja was a star and looked after her baby sister all night.  Rosie didn’t leave her side and was none to impressed that her parents disappeared on her!


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